How to convert Word document to PDF?

Software tips -> How to convert Word document to PDF? Download free PDF Writer

What is a PDF?

PDF (Portable Document File) is a often used file in computers. After creating a file you may like to bring this document to show someone. Or you may want to print the document. But there are many problems and issues while doing so.

  1. The other computer maynot have the same application program that you used to create the file. For example you may have created the file using Page Maker. If Page Maker is not installed in the computer where you want to view the file then you cannot open this file in that computer.
  2. Or the FONT that you used in your computer maynot be available in the other computer and therefore not viewable.
  3. If you had sent the file via email to your friend and your friend does not have the application program to open the file then he cannot view it.

To solve all these problems PDF (Portable Document File) is used. When you create a PDF, the file is created exactly the same way it will appear on the print out. PDF can contain images, tables and graphs. In order to view this file Adobe Acrobat application is required. Adobe provides this software free at .

But the problem with the PDF files is how to create these PDF files? The PDF writer that Adobe provides is not free. However many other companies have developed PDF writer software and provides it free. There are many types of PDF writers. Some of them inserts the company's advertisements in the created PDF documents. Some give evaluation copies that are free for use for a limited period of time only. Some may have spyware embedded inside. But there is a free PDF writer available in the internet that is totally free. The name of the application is PDF Redirect v2.1.1. You can download and install this software within few seconds. Here are some tips on how to use this PDF ReDirect software.

If you have created a file in MS Word document and you want to convert this word document to PDF then open MS Word and open the file that you want to convert to PDF. Then From MS Word goto 'File->Print' option. This will open the Printer dialog box. In the printer list select the 'PDF Redirect' and print it. Now PDF Redirect will convert the word document to PDF and then open the 'File dialog box' to choose the folder where you want to save the converted PDF file. Once the file is created you can open it using Adobe acrobat reader.

You can download this software from

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